June 6, 2019 · 4 min read

Copy Helm Chart Images to a Corporate Registry

If your work requires that you use an on-prem Docker registry, you may find it difficult to use open source Helm Charts that refer to publicly hosted Docker images from places like Docker Hub or quay.io. I’ve run into this problem myself a couple times. Sometimes I just browse through the values.yml files and figure out what images are being used, then pull them to my local machine before retagging them and pushing to our registry. ... Read more

October 3, 2018 · 12 min read

Building Scala Projects with Mill

Tl;dr: Mill is a simplified and faster alternative to sbt Mill is a build tool aimed at providing a better experience for Scala developers. If you’ve used Scala before, you likely used sbt for building your project. sbt is by far the most popular build tool in the Scala community, but if you’re like me, you may have quickly become frustrated with how long specific tasks tend to take. It’s not uncommon for sbt to take several seconds to start up. Those seconds add up throughout a workday. Here is where Mill shines. Mill provides an intuitive command-line interface for compiling your project, running tests and packaging your code, and it does it with far less overhead than sbt. ... Read more

September 20, 2018 · 1 min read


Hi. My name is Mike Perry. I’m a Software Engineer working in Cincinnati, OH. I’m excited to start blogging about technical topics I find interesting. Of interest to me are things like software architecture and design, programming languages and tooling. You may even see a few posts on software team building, what I think works and doesn’t work for producing high-quality software at a high (but sane) output. On the technology side, these days I’m most interested in Cloud Native software and fast data streams. ... Read more

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